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The four famous mountains of Taoism in China, the most suitable magical place for cultivating道教四大名山
Просмотров: 52


The scenery on the Chinese yuan Paper money is a must visit!中国人民币上的风景,一定要去游览!接住了这泼天富贵!
Просмотров 5921 день назад
中国人民币上的美景: 1元背景为浙江省杭州 西湖三潭印月;西湖十景之一,被誉为“西湖第一胜境”! 5元背景为山东省泰安 泰山唯我独尊;被古人视为直通帝座的圣地! 10元背景为直辖市重庆 长江三峡夔门;“夔门天下雄”是古代东入蜀道的重要关隘。 20元背景为广西桂林 黄布倒影; 桂林山水甲天下,四绝“山清、水秀、洞奇、石美”! 50元背景为西藏拉萨 布达拉宫;1994年被列为世界文化遗产,主体建筑为白宫和红宫两部分组成。 100元背景为直辖市北京 人民大会堂。首都“十大建筑”之一!
Tang Dynasty HanFu clothing and makeup, see the prosperity of the Tang!唐朝服饰汉服与妆发,见识到盛世大唐的繁华!化妆师娟子。
Просмотров 6221 день назад
大唐时装系列之初唐:玉容朱颜留不住,画梁雕栋皆成灰,而那遗留在时光中的虔诚后人幸得一二,透过片羽吉光也能窥见古老繁盛的幻景。 “唐”是包容万十的象征词,供养众生无有性别,种族之差。 唐朝历史年代时间表如下: | 阶段 |持续 时间 | | 初唐 | 618-683 | | 盛唐 | 684-756 | | 中唐 | 756-840 | | 晚唐 | 841-907 | 唐朝历二十二代,前后共二百八十九年,其与汉朝并称为中国历史上两大强盛王朝之一。 唐代的服饰以华丽、繁复、开放为主要特点。女性服饰通常由礼裙、帔、祈子、冠帽等组成,其中懦裙是唐代女性的主要服装,通常为红色或蓝色的长裙,上面配有鲜艳的图案和金色的饰品。 帔是一种披肩,通常为浅色或淡色的薄纱制成,上面有精美的花纹和图案。 祈子是一种短袖的外套,通常为黑色或深色的丝绸制成,上面有金色的纽扣和装饰。 冠帽则是唐代女性头饰的重要组...
Spanning over a thousand years, Capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, DongJing Ancient City开封《清明上河图》
Просмотров 7121 день назад
跨越千年的北宋都城东京汴梁,传世名画《清明上河图》,就在开封! 华夏民族之文化,历数千年之演进,造极于赵宋之世。后渐衰微,终必复振! 宋朝: 北宋(960~1127) ; 南宋(1127~1279)。 "强唐弱宋"之说,无外乎因为宋朝不是一个大统一的朝代,而是和其他政权并立且处于劣势的朝廷,最重要的是宋朝两次被并立的政权所灭。 一次是"靖康之变"北宋被金所灭,一次是南宋被蒙古所灭,南宋被灭,赵宋一朝,至此覆亡。如此败绩累累、满纸辛酸的事实,不禁让人扼腕叹息! 而宋朝所创造的政治体制、文化成果、经济成就、科学技术等,都有灿然可观之处,留下许多珍贵的遗产,对中国历史产生极其深远的影响。 宋代是我国传统文化发展的巅峰时代。文学、艺术、哲学、教育、科学、医学、工艺可谓是百花齐放,并且达到前所未有的高度。 宋词,印刷术、指南针、《东京梦华录》、《梦溪笔谈》、《清明上河图》……赵宋一朝留给后世无...
Travel to Tibet and marvel at the exquisite traditional Tibetan costumes西藏旅游,惊叹那些精美的传统藏族服饰-布姆菜菜藏地美学
Просмотров 8121 день назад
Travel to Tibet and marvel at the exquisite traditional Tibetan costumes西藏旅游,惊叹那些精美的传统藏族服饰-布姆菜菜藏地美学
Tibet tourism rare four wonders, have seen very few people!西藏旅游罕见的四大奇景 ,见过的人寥寥无几!
Просмотров 36Месяц назад
西藏的四大奇景,您都去过了吗? 1.奇林峡。 奇林峡位于日喀则市定结县琼孜乡,经万年冰川雪水冲刷,形成了如今独特的喀斯特地貌。 峡谷谷深200米,长约15公里当你来到此地看到这景观的那一刻你会被这里强烈的视觉冲击所震撼巨大裂缝宛如地球上一道深刻的“疤痕”让你不得不惊叹大自然的鬼斧神工! 矗立在奇林峡,远方是皑皑雪山,峡谷中土林形状奇特,分布着高耸入林的沙土柱,成排成列、千姿百态,异常壮观。 2.大地之树。 阿里地区改则县216国道附近出现了一处“大地之树”自然景观,这幅流水画就的图案,栩栩如生,让人叹为观止! “大地之树”近看像一颗颗的小树组成的森林,远看如同一棵生长茂盛的大树,流水冲刷的痕迹构成了它的躯体与枝干,甚至连树叶分叉的地方都清晰可见,纹理分明。 3.拉果措。 位于阿里地区改则县是一片很大的白色盐湖拉果措也叫“拉戈尔湖”,藏语意为“手磨湖”虽然西藏湖泊星罗棋布但当你看到拉果...
Princess Li Chui Phoenix Crown of Tang Dynasty​ 大唐皇族宗女李倕凤冠 陕西考古博物馆
Просмотров 27Месяц назад
1.李倕(公元711-736年)是唐高祖李渊的玄孙女,备受宠爱。 冠饰使用了包括金、银、珍珠、绿松石等各类材料十余种,采用了铸造、捶打、鎏金等工艺,是唐代珠宝和工艺的集大成者。唐代公主凤冠倾尽了唐朝所有珍贵饰品,像绿松石、琥珀、珍珠、红宝石、贝壳、玛瑙等,单单宝石的数量就多达370颗。 2. 25岁墓主极奢凤冠现世,墓志铭让人心碎! 2001年 西安理工大学曲江校区校园修建的时候,发现了一个古墓群,一是如此惊人的数字,在西安也就是如此而已吧。当考古学家来到古墓群的时候,他们发现了一个特别的墓葬,这座墓葬主人,只有25岁,她的名字叫李倕,这个女人的背景很大,她身份也非常特殊,是唐高祖李渊的第五代孙女。 经过1200余年的沧桑变迁,李倕墓早已经有了一些坍塌,也有被盗墓贼光顾的痕迹,即便如此,这位盛唐的公主墓依然有着无数的珍宝留存,最为突出的当属墓中的一件完整凤冠。 这件凤冠引起了专家们的...
The top eight mountains in China that 99% of foreigners don't know about?老外有奖竞答:中国的三山五岳是哪些?没去登山等于白来!
Просмотров 31Месяц назад
中国地位最高的三山(黄山、庐山、雁荡山) 五岳(泰山、华山、衡山、恒山、嵩山) 是这八座,谁没到过就不要说你登过中国的山! 1.Mount Huangshan黄山. Located in Huangshan City, southern Anhui Province. It is one of the three mountains in the three mountains and five mountains, and has the laudatory name of "the first strange mountain in the country of Sindan". It is a sacred place for Taoism and has many relics. Great poets such as Li Bai left magnificent poem...
China nuo dance中国傩舞祭祀舞《打金枝》,领舞:马Guo艳、沈后,导演:笑阳。
Просмотров 70Месяц назад
More than 7,000 years ago, the use of stone axes, stone cones and armguards in the Neolithic Age indicates that the ancestors of the Huaxia were already thriving. Nuo dance is a kind of large-scale sacrificial activities held in ancient times to exorcise ghosts and plague, which originated from the witch dance of primitive society. The earliest "Nuo" symbol in the oracle bone inscriptions of th...
Tian tsui handicraft .Kingfisher feather art,点翠手工艺,中国千年的历史时光中那抹让人迷恋的蓝!
Просмотров 27Месяц назад
点翠Tian-tsui or Kingfisher feather art.(翠鸟蓝艺术品。) "Origin" Tian-tsui originated in the Han Dynasty, in the Qing Dynasty Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong period reached the peak (Ding page), much loved by the palace ladies. Diancui is a traditional Chinese jewelry making auxiliary craft, which has been spread for thousands of years. This craft is based on kingfisher feathers, hence the name. The raw ma...
《The Myth》Princess Okso Yu Shu at the National Museum of China 《神话》大秦玉漱公主在中国国家博物馆,德化白瓷作品,大师高韧薄胎瓷衣工艺!
Просмотров 24Месяц назад
骊山后,秦皇陵,两千年的等待,瞬间泪目!玉漱公主.德化白瓷展,远看是纱,近看是瓷。 栩栩如生,这头发,发丝都清清楚楚,像也是非常像,美也是真的好美啊,叹为观止 !终于在国家博物馆看到了玉漱公主,代入到《神话》剧情中,让人唏嘘不已那秦朝影视作品里穿越两千年忠贞不渝的爱情! Li Mountain, Qin Mausoleum, two thousand years of waiting, instant tears eyes! Princess Oksu. Dehua White porcelain exhibition, from a distance is yarn, close look is porcelain. Lifelike, this hair, hair are clear, like is also very like, beauty is really good ...
The highest scenic spot in Beijing 400 year old Wanchun Pavilion, sunrise, sunset and full moon nigh
Просмотров 28Месяц назад
北京城最高观景点:400年历史万春亭,日出朝霞、日落与月圆之夜!Wanchun Pavilion is located at the middle peak of Jingshan Mountain, standing on the top of the 43 meters high mountain. It was the center point of the old Beijing city and the highest point of the city at that time. Today, it is still the highest and best viewing spot on the north-south central axis of Beijing. On the Wanchun Pavilion can overlook the whole Beij...
Eight of the most famous Great Wall attractions in Beijing,know how to choose 北京八大长城景点特色解读,知道该怎么选了吧?
Просмотров 22Месяц назад
北京八大长城特色: 1. Badaling Great Wall. The best preserved and most representative section of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, here is the first part of the Great Wall open to visitors, so it is also the most people of the Great Wall, all year round is crowded, not good parking, many tour groups. 2. Mutianyu Great Wall. East to Gubeikou, west to Juyong Pass, its architectural structure is unique, ...
Mutianyu Great Wall, foreigners' favorite scenic spot in China, spring, summer, autumn winter……慕田峪长城
Просмотров 41Месяц назад
Many foreign friends will be deeply impressed when they see the Great Wall for the first time. The Mutianyu Great Wall in Beijing is the top spot in China in the eyes of foreigners.Learn about the history and importance of the Great Wall before you begin to climb it. The construction process of the Great Wall and its significance to Chinese history and culture. You'll feel like you've traveled ...
Waterfall of the ancient city of Phoenix has attracted many Hanfu beauties to punch the card凤凰飞水谷瀑布
Просмотров 25Месяц назад
Phoenix ancient City(凤凰古城) around the minority attractions, never brush to recommend a place. If the flying water valley (飞水谷)is in the wet period, the waterfall is very large, especially the end [bigwaterfall], standing under the waterfall, the water vapor coming from the face, the whole person seems to be soaking in the water mist inside, deeply cool. Along the way, there are many different s...
Oiled paper umbrella of the four seasons, non-genetic hand-made process!余杭油纸伞的四季,非遗传承的手工制作过程!
Просмотров 15Месяц назад
Oiled paper umbrella of the four seasons, non-genetic hand-made process!余杭油纸伞的四季,非遗传承的手工制作过程!
Shocking falcon girls,The Continuation of 6,000 years of mysterious falconry cultural customs震撼猎鹰少女
Просмотров 29Месяц назад
Shocking falcon girls,The Continuation of 6,000 years of mysterious falconry cultural customs震撼猎鹰少女
PiPa Arpeggio《Ambush everywhere》,Eight performers music,Who you the most like?琵琶曲《十面埋伏》八位演奏家,您最中意谁?
Просмотров 59Месяц назад
PiPa Arpeggio《Ambush everywhere》,Eight performers music,Who you the most like?琵琶曲《十面埋伏》八位演奏家,您最中意谁?
Guilin Homestay, such as the ink painting of the Li River landscape wonderland!桂林民宿,如水墨画的漓江山水里的人间仙境!
Просмотров 51Месяц назад
Guilin Homestay, such as the ink painting of the Li River landscape wonderland!桂林民宿,如水墨画的漓江山水里的人间仙境!
Beauty Girl met Sayram Lake, picturesque scenery, immediately deep in it, unable to extricate……赛里木湖
Просмотров 16Месяц назад
Beauty Girl met Sayram Lake, picturesque scenery, immediately deep in it, unable to extricate……赛里木湖
Music Flute playing Hanfu girl.吹笛的汉服少女,悠扬笛声飘荡在江南水乡古镇大受感染What a dream Jiangnan water town looks like!
Просмотров 18Месяц назад
Music Flute playing Hanfu girl.吹笛的汉服少女,悠扬笛声飘荡在江南水乡古镇大受感染What a dream Jiangnan water town looks like!
Beijing Palace banquet food, Go on a journey through history and food!北京宫宴,梦回汉唐盛世,赴一场历史文化与美食盛宴的穿越之旅!
Просмотров 274Месяц назад
Beijing Palace banquet food, Go on a journey through history and food!北京宫宴,梦回汉唐盛世,赴一场历史文化与美食盛宴的穿越之旅!
HanFu Twelve girl gods of Flowers Folk custom of China.汉服女子十二花神:中式东方极致美学传承,中国人骨子里的浪漫优雅!
Просмотров 166Месяц назад
HanFu Twelve girl gods of Flowers Folk custom of China.汉服女子十二花神:中式东方极致美学传承,中国人骨子里的浪漫优雅!
Eight cuisines, and their representative dishes, the representative of food across China中国八大菜系及其代表菜品
Просмотров 338Месяц назад
Eight cuisines, and their representative dishes, the representative of food across China中国八大菜系及其代表菜品
Loong boat races across China are hot and lively, with only one goal to win the first place 中国各地龙舟竞赛
Просмотров 65Месяц назад
Loong boat races across China are hot and lively, with only one goal to win the first place 中国各地龙舟竞赛
400years Ancient bridge双林三桥romantic Jiangnan, belongs to the highest luxury of Chinese aesthetics.
Просмотров 365Месяц назад
400years Ancient bridge双林三桥romantic Jiangnan, belongs to the highest luxury of Chinese aesthetics.
Song Ci:Appreciating lotus poems in summer,Li Qingzhao. Song Dynasty :夏日赏荷宋词-李清照《如梦令.常记溪亭日暮》
Просмотров 37Месяц назад
Song Ci:Appreciating lotus poems in summer,Li Qingzhao. Song Dynasty :夏日赏荷宋词-李清照《如梦令.常记溪亭日暮》
Western Zhou Danaty men's and women's clothing characteristics?西周男女服饰, HanFu system(汉服) took shape.
Просмотров 25Месяц назад
Western Zhou Danaty men's and women's clothing characteristics?西周男女服饰, HanFu system(汉服) took shape.
Song Dynasty Loong Boat Festival 复原体验宋朝端午节,Feel the elegance and ancient atmosphere of Song people!
Просмотров 68Месяц назад
Song Dynasty Loong Boat Festival 复原体验宋朝端午节,Feel the elegance and ancient atmosphere of Song people!
The Loong Boat Festival中国端午节 folk custom origin is one of the four traditional festivals in China.
Просмотров 144Месяц назад
The Loong Boat Festival中国端午节 folk custom origin is one of the four traditional festivals in China.


  • @internationaldaily9820
    @internationaldaily9820 Месяц назад


    • @MipTour
      @MipTour Месяц назад

      Thanks, Welcome to Beijing !

  • @suewitcoms2052
    @suewitcoms2052 2 месяца назад


    • @MipTour
      @MipTour 2 месяца назад


  • @haohao9889
    @haohao9889 2 месяца назад

    用鋼弦取代絲弦,古琴琵琶古箏都不是原來的音色了,所以聽完以後再也不會重現「座中泣下誰最多? 江州司馬青衫溼」這種場景。因為絲弦非常接近人的嗓音,悲音近似人哭。

    • @MipTour
      @MipTour 2 месяца назад


  • @gaiwan26
    @gaiwan26 2 месяца назад


    • @MipTour
      @MipTour 2 месяца назад


  • @zipperzizzinski2351
    @zipperzizzinski2351 2 месяца назад

    Quips about "Mounds I'd like to climb", form a queue here...

    • @MipTour
      @MipTour 2 месяца назад

      Welcome to WuGong Mountain.武功山

  • @user-zu8bd7tb3e
    @user-zu8bd7tb3e 2 месяца назад


  • @summer-sea
    @summer-sea 2 месяца назад

    Bro! Keep update your editing skill❤

  • @user-ge1sc4xp7e
    @user-ge1sc4xp7e 4 месяца назад


    • @MipTour
      @MipTour 2 месяца назад


  • @imb5128
    @imb5128 7 месяцев назад

  • @Lukasunna
    @Lukasunna Год назад

    I am a French student in a very prestigious school of Art History and I want to tell you that you are the best Jingdezhen singer I have ever heard. (I don't speak Chinese but I want to learn it to go to Jingdezhen.) 我是法国一所非常著名的艺术史学院的学生,我想告诉你,你是我听过的最好的景德镇歌手。 (我不会说中文,但我想去景德镇学中文。)

  • @johnchan5623
    @johnchan5623 Год назад


  • @minakozienowicz5181
    @minakozienowicz5181 Год назад

    This is a real thing. I don't like modern songs using the traditional instrument. The difference is so obvious

  • @chooboonsan67
    @chooboonsan67 2 года назад


    • @MipTour
      @MipTour 2 месяца назад


  • @walawalaoui6382
    @walawalaoui6382 2 года назад

    姑娘造诣高超。 一手嵇康的广陵散,上追北朝 气象, 不简单。 可是看到前面的几个留言 有的惨不忍睹的感觉。 没有知音人的痛苦, 妳我同感! 祝愿 吉祥 安康!

    • @MipTour
      @MipTour 2 месяца назад


  • @kygcoc8432
    @kygcoc8432 2 года назад


    • @dz9446
      @dz9446 2 года назад

      放心吧 中华文化正在复兴 一定不会断的 会越来越好的

  • @markhongweima1951
    @markhongweima1951 2 года назад


  • @user-fk1vz1bc2s
    @user-fk1vz1bc2s 2 года назад


  • @joJo-yk4cl
    @joJo-yk4cl 2 года назад

    Wow.. You truly know what I want . Love all design

  • @fidenciovelasco8978
    @fidenciovelasco8978 2 года назад

    Buen bideograsiasporsubirlo no

  • @juan54321
    @juan54321 3 года назад

    Very strong player.

  • @ravikumarts8845
    @ravikumarts8845 3 года назад

    Why yellow colour is not prevalent in this type of pottery?

    • @93bencomo
      @93bencomo 2 года назад

      Because of tradition, blue and white porcelain is the most iconic and recognizable. And the one which I prefer.

  • @TheKarret
    @TheKarret 3 года назад

    Beautiful artwork. I hope his stuff lasts for millennia to come!

  • @ameliazhang7612
    @ameliazhang7612 3 года назад


  • @user-xp9wu5gk1p
    @user-xp9wu5gk1p 3 года назад

    古曲就听节奏 旋律 哪有毛线爱国情怀 别瞎JB扯

  • @hongjianjiang269
    @hongjianjiang269 3 года назад


  • @hongjianjiang269
    @hongjianjiang269 3 года назад


  • @hongjianjiang269
    @hongjianjiang269 3 года назад


  • @claudioborgobello6871
    @claudioborgobello6871 3 года назад

    bella musica bella artista bella .mi sento in sintonia con questo momento.grazie

    • @walawalaoui6382
      @walawalaoui6382 2 года назад

      The piece of the music at 10:08 Guang Lin Shan was over 1760 years old. That's really amazing.

  • @jammancheung4583
    @jammancheung4583 3 года назад


  • @satnamo
    @satnamo 3 года назад

    This playlist is good. What is good ?

  • @learnchineseenglishthrough5738
    @learnchineseenglishthrough5738 3 года назад


  • @amitadebbarma8411
    @amitadebbarma8411 3 года назад

    Very nice

  • @satishnaik7551
    @satishnaik7551 4 года назад

    its good . ruclips.net/video/dZMMIOwuPnc/видео.html

  • @weaverandmaker4281
    @weaverandmaker4281 4 года назад

    Free Tibet now!!!!

  • @praiselord4500
    @praiselord4500 4 года назад


  • @youpihat
    @youpihat 4 года назад

    熊英有獨特審美眼光 ! La vision SUBLIME de la BEAUTÉ ! 但私下品格則超级造作, 導至超級低俗 = De la VULGARITÉ ABSOLUE ! John GALLIANO 亦是 !

  • @eyeheisenberg2278
    @eyeheisenberg2278 4 года назад

    Ah. Cant read tiny subtitles on my phone.

  • @nienkekonings7863
    @nienkekonings7863 4 года назад

    Dearest Sir/madam, My name is Nienke Konings, I am an editorial producer for a Dutch educational kids tv-program, Studio Snugger www.zapp.nl/programmas/studio-snugger. The premise of the show is to have kids around the age of 8 recognize funny fake stories and unbelievable true stories. Last year i was researching abandoned buildings and I found the stories about the underwater cities. That itself is are great stories , but we decided to write a funny story alongside of it. We wrote about the posibility of moving underwater. For this item to air we need stock footage of underwatercities. I found video’s online and I was wondering if you would provide permission to use some of the clips for the item? That would be great! I love to hear from you. Thanks in advance. Best Wishes/Vriendelijke groet, Nienke Konings Studio Snugger

  • @user-fn3bb6ki7y
    @user-fn3bb6ki7y 4 года назад


  • @user-rb5bi1zb2v
    @user-rb5bi1zb2v 4 года назад

    人外有人天外天 天上的宮廷之美 真善美的心動人 非常的柔和典雅 件件佳裳如鳳蝶 蜻蜓點水般展功 太棒了設技出色 各個模特兒如仙 仙子遊如天外天 美感哲學的設技 高貴典雅的氣息 美美美美美美美 讚讚讚讚讚讚讚 地球世界真奇妙

  • @jennyqa4600
    @jennyqa4600 4 года назад


  • @narada1030
    @narada1030 4 года назад


  • @Jhuangfu
    @Jhuangfu 4 года назад


  • @crystalyeowchingching1036
    @crystalyeowchingching1036 4 года назад

    🐻 穿 4 款礼服,我穿 24 款,拍一张放床头,打架的时候摔烂,另外做成杂志封面图出书,100 本就好。再加 2 个国外设计师。土耳其拍摄。3 种疯味,不让别人出头???

  • @flamer9783
    @flamer9783 4 года назад

    Very informative and interesting! Thank you for the English subtitles!

  • @jasonwujasonwu
    @jasonwujasonwu 4 года назад


  • @jingchan5193
    @jingchan5193 4 года назад

    Great documentary

  • @user-bf3ki2sb6j
    @user-bf3ki2sb6j 4 года назад


    • @rubeem
      @rubeem 4 года назад

      笑看 我看過她的另外一個show比較有東方古典的味道,今次這個比較偏向西服